deep-jewels: big magic :

I just finished reading Elizabeth Gilberts book Big Magic : Creative living beyond fear. If you are looking for a book to inspire you this summer. This. Is. It. Don’t let the word “creative” living hold you back either. This book isn’t just for “artists”. Its for anyone with a passion. It’s a reminder to everyone that we are all creative in our own way and its up to us to find out what that means to us.

She talks about inspiration and her view on it makes so much sense to me. She says that inspiration is swirling all around us trying to get someone to notice it and make it real. Sometimes the right person finds it and makes it happen. Sometimes it has to move on and keep trying. Isn’t that thought magic right there? Inspiration is all around you, just waiting for you to notice it. To quote Joey Lawrence “woah.”

This quote has become a mantra for me. “The universe buries strange jewels deep with in us all, and then stand back to see if we can find them.” It’s like an Easter egg hunt in your own mind! Doesn’t that inspire you just knowing that buried with in you are these magic little jewels? I mean it just makes me wonder what all I am really capable of doing and how I can tap into it!

All I know is this book was a good start for me and is officially going on my “special” book shelf for books that make me feel inspired. Go get yourself some Big Magic!